Search with client

Can I search from multiple fields using expression ?
If yes then how ?

here is a example for single fields but I want to search from multiple fields

  "query": {
    "equals": { "cond": 1 }
  "expressions": {
    "cond": "REGEX(metadata.cpu.model, '\''Cortex A.*'\'')"

I want to search with “Cortex A” using match (with or) and equals condition at same time (in single request) with “Cortex A” keywords.

Can I get result in if match but not equals ?

Please read this Manticore Search Manual: Searching > Filters

Like infix_fields, can we declare exact fields ?

Yes. Read this Manticore Search Manual: Creating a table > NLP and tokenization > Wildcard searching settings

Can I search from multiple fields using expression ?
If yes then how ?

  "expressions": {
    "cond": "REGEX(metadata.cpu.model, '\''Cortex A.*'\'') OR REGEX(metadata.cpu.model2, '\''Cortex A.*'\'') "

Ok thank for your reply.
It is working fine for expression, but

I am getting wrong result when I request for search using match_phrase and expression at same time

I want to search with “apple” keywords from my fields datatype with text “sku,productattributecombinationsku,manufacturerpartnumber” and datatype with JSON “name.en”

And I want to OR condition for all fields including text and json datatype. So what is wrong with my search request ?
I also try with must in place of should but I get same result for both must and should condition.
Also I tried with your given links for filter and I tried same.

var query = {"bool":{"should":[{"match_phrase": { "sku,productattributecombinationsku,manufacturerpartnumber": { "query": "apple", "operator":"or" }},"equals":{"cond": 1}}]}}

var expression = {"cond": "REGEX(name.en, '(?i)apple*')"}

var searchRequest = new SearchRequest(index: "products1", query: query, expressions: expressions);

Please provide an example in the same format as mine above, so it’s clear

  • how you created the table
  • what data you inserted into it
  • what query you made which failed
  • what it returned

Here Is My Table

create table products1 (ProductId text,Sku text,Name json,ShortDescription json,FullDescription text,Price float,Published bool,ManufacturerPartNumber text,VendorId integer,CreatedOnUtc bigint,CategoryIds multi,ManufacturerIds multi,ProductTagIds multi,SpecificationOptionIds multi,ProductAttributeCombinationSku text,Manufacturers json,Categories json) min_infix_len = '3' expand_keywords = '1'

In this table Name is JSON datatype while FullDescription is text datatype

Here is my data in JSON format

    "insert": {
      "index": "products1",
      "id": 1,
      "doc": {
        "ProductId": "1",
        "Sku": "COMP_CUST_UPDATE_1",
        "FullDescription": "<p>Fight back against cluttered workspaces with the stylish IBM zBC12 All-in-One desktop PC, featuring powerful computing resources and a stunning 20.1-inch widescreen display with stunning XBRITE-HiColor LCD technology.</p>",
        "Price": 1200.0000,
        "Published": true,
        "ManufacturerPartNumber": "",
        "CreatedOnUtc": 638145534882226590,
        "VendorId": 0,
        "CategoryIds": [
        "ManufacturerIds": [
        "ProductTagIds": [
        "SpecificationOptionIds": [],
        "ProductAttributeCombinationSku": "Build_PAC_1",
        "Name": {
          "en": "Apple iMac",
          "hi": "बिल्ड-अपना-कंप्यूटर"
        "ShortDescription": {
          "en": "Build it Update by schedule task",
          "hi": "Build it Update by schedule task"
        "Manufacturers": {
          "en": [
            "Refurbished Computer"
          "hi": [
            "नवीनीकृत कंप्यूटर"
        "Categories": {
          "en": [
          "hi": [
    "insert": {
      "index": "products1",
      "id": 2,
      "doc": {
        "ProductId": "2",
        "Sku": "DS_VA3_PC",
        "FullDescription": "<p>Apple Macbook pro system is put through an extensive stress test, ensuring you experience zero bottlenecks and get the maximum performance from your hardware.</p>",
        "Price": 1259.0000,
        "Published": true,
        "ManufacturerPartNumber": "",
        "CreatedOnUtc": 638145534885417350,
        "VendorId": 0,
        "CategoryIds": [
        "ManufacturerIds": [],
        "ProductTagIds": [
        "SpecificationOptionIds": [],
        "ProductAttributeCombinationSku": "",
        "Name": {
          "en": "Digital Storm VANQUISH 3 Custom Performance PC",
          "hi": "Digital Storm VANQUISH 3 Custom Performance PC"
        "ShortDescription": {
          "en": "Digital Storm Vanquish 3 Desktop PC",
          "hi": "Digital Storm Vanquish 3 Desktop PC"
        "Manufacturers": {},
        "Categories": {
          "en": [
          "hi": [

You can see there is “Apple” word in first record in “Name” column while in second record it is in “FullDescription” column.

Now I want to search with “Apple” keyword and want to both record as a result, So what should be my search request ?

Currently I am getting single record but I want to both record as a result and My search request is mentioned in my previous question.
Here Search with client - #46 by Kamlesh

I checked this but there is not in details and no proper example.
I want to exact search with only one field while I want to search from other fields as infix search.
So how can I set exact for single fields/column ?

Smth like this: where match('@field1 smth @field2 *smth*')

Currently I am getting single record but I want to both record as a result and My search request is mentioned in my previous question.
Here Search with client - #46 by Kamlesh

If you want me to help you, please provide a full example which I can just paste to the terminal which will reproduce your issue, it should: create a table, populate it with data and attempt to search in it. All using mysql -P9306 -h0 or curl ... commands. Sorry I don’t have time to gather it up it from pieces from multiple comments or write a program in C#.

Okay thank you.

I tried with SQL, it is working fine but how to use this as JSON with OR operator?
Help me for this please.

mysql -P9306 -h0 -e "drop table if exists t; create table t(field1 text, field2 text) min_infix_len='2'; insert into t(field1, field2) values('smth', 'abcsmthabc')"
curl -sX POST http://localhost:9308/search  -d '
  "index": "t",
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
        { "match" : { "field1" : "smth" } },
        { "match" : { "field2" : "*smth*" } }
}'|jq .

  "took": 0,
  "timed_out": false,
  "hits": {
    "total": 1,
    "total_relation": "eq",
    "hits": [
        "_id": "1515398726598787073",
        "_score": 2428,
        "_source": {
          "field1": "smth",
          "field2": "abcsmthabc"
1 Like

There is any flag for stop auto spell corrections ?

I read this but not found anything

Unable to search with special character
I can sync special character but unable to search using that

Can you please suggest how to search with special character ?

here I tried with below example
CREATE TABLE testjson(name string indexed attribute)

and inserted data as below and inserted successfully

insert into testjson values(1, 'kamlesh')
insert into testjson values(2, '@#$%^&*')

Now I am search using this but get 0 result.
SELECT * FROM testjson WHERE REGEX(name, '(?i)@#$%*')

seems wrong regex - at either (?i)@#$%* or @#$%* do not matches source string @#$%^&*

1 Like

I want to use if else condition in my search request query.
How to use ? please give an example

Here is my JSON object.

  "name": {
    "en": "build-your-own-computer",
    "hi": "बिल्ड-अपना-कंप्यूटर",
    "standard": ""

Now I want to use if condition for above JSON.

var name = "";
   name = name.standard
   name = name.en

please help me for this for how to use in my search request using JSON or SQL

Hello team,
Is it possible or not ?

In MySQL, I did this and get result as below
but how to use this query for manticore ?

CREATE TABLE [products1](
	[Id] [int] NOT NULL,
	[standard] [varchar](500) NOT NULL,
	[en] [varchar](500) NULL,
	[hi] [varchar](500) NULL);
INSERT INTO products1(Id, standard, en, hi)
VALUES (1, 'build your own computer nikon', 'build your own computer', null);

INSERT INTO products1(Id, standard, en, hi)
VALUES (2, 'Nikon D5500 DSLR - Black', '', null);

INSERT INTO products1(Id, standard, en, hi)
VALUES (3, 'Nikon D5500 DSLR - Red', '', null);

Using below query I am able to search from products using MySQL

FROM Products1
WHERE COALESCE(en,[standard]) like ‘%nikon%’


FROM  products1
WHERE IF(en is null, standard, en) LIKE '%nikon%'

here is result

2 Nikon D5500 DSLR NULL NULL
3 Nikon D5500 DSLR - Black NULL NULL

I want something like that
SELECT * FROM products1 If en != ‘’ then en like ‘%nikon%’ else standard like ‘%nikon%’

It is done. Thanks team manticore.