Option to set sentence/paragraph boundary word position increment to zero

The documentation of index_sp says that “Both sentences and paragraphs increment the keyword position counter by 1”.

That increment makes searches like “hello world” not work across the boundary which I don’t like at all, especially since boundary detection can’t be changed. Still I do want to have index_sp enabled to be able to use SENTENCE and PARAGRAPH operators.

So I’d like to have an option similar to phrase_boundary_step which would allow setting sentence/paragraph boundary word position increment to zero, instead of the default 1.

it might be better to create feature request as Github ticket.

However it’s not clear that you want

index_sp enabled to be able to use SENTENCE and PARAGRAPH operators

along with

which would allow setting sentence/paragraph boundary word position increment to zero

how would you use these operators in case no boundary got generated?

Perhaps I wasn’t clear what I want:

I just want the normal word position increment across boundary (1 between adjacent words), without any extra increment.

For example if text is

<div>one two</div><div>three four<div>

then I want distance between “two” and “three” to be normal 1 and not 2 like it is currently, so that “two three” will match the text.