ALTERT TABLE привел к падению кластера и потери индекса

Доброго времени суток!

На кластере:
Server version: 6.2.12 dc5144d35@230822 (columnar 2.2.4 5aec342@230822) (secondary 2.2.4 5aec342@230822) git branch manticore-6.2.12…origin/manticore-6.2.12

Во время ALTER кластерного индекса products получили падение сервиса manticore.

ALTER TABLE products ADD COLUMN school_purpose_id_list multi;


| Field                                 | Type      | Properties     |
| id                                    | bigint    |                |
| name                                  | text      | stored         |
| slug                                  | text      | stored         |
| description                           | text      | stored         |
| reasons_to_buy                        | text      | stored         |
| additional_images                     | text      | stored         |
| school_umk_title                      | text      | indexed stored |
| seo_description                       | text      | stored         |
| relations_set                         | text      | indexed stored |
| author_full_name_list                 | text      | indexed stored |
| publisher_series_name                 | text      | indexed stored |
| publisher_name                        | text      | indexed stored |
| publisher_brand_name                  | text      | indexed stored |
| manufacturer_name                     | text      | indexed stored |
| manufacturer_brand_name               | text      | indexed stored |
| availability_status                   | uint      |                |
| availability_quantity                 | uint      |                |
| vendor_id                             | uint      |                |
| nds                                   | uint      |                |
| literature_work_publishing_year       | uint      |                |
| printing_page_count                   | uint      |                |
| printing_copy_count                   | uint      |                |
| weight                                | uint      |                |
| height                                | uint      |                |
| width                                 | uint      |                |
| length                                | uint      |                |
| rating_weight                         | uint      |                |
| rating_star                           | uint      |                |
| rating_count                          | uint      |                |
| review_count                          | uint      |                |
| purchase_stats_week_count             | uint      |                |
| purchase_stats_month_count            | uint      |                |
| purchase_stats_year_count             | uint      |                |
| purchase_stats_day_avg_count          | uint      |                |
| school_purpose_id                     | uint      |                |
| school_education_system_id            | uint      |                |
| school_umk_id                         | uint      |                |
| school_exam_year_id                   | uint      |                |
| publisher_series_id                   | uint      |                |
| publisher_id                          | uint      |                |
| publisher_brand_id                    | uint      |                |
| manufacturer_id                       | uint      |                |
| manufacturer_brand_id                 | uint      |                |
| literature_work_cycle_id              | uint      |                |
| literature_work_cycle_volume_id       | uint      |                |
| binding_id                            | uint      |                |
| product_type_id                       | uint      |                |
| article_number_id                     | uint      |                |
| stationery_format_id                  | uint      |                |
| stationery_line_type_id               | uint      |                |
| stationery_ink_color_id               | uint      |                |
| stationery_lead_diameter_id           | uint      |                |
| stationery_case_shape_id              | uint      |                |
| stationery_mechanism_type_id          | uint      |                |
| stationery_diameter_id                | uint      |                |
| stationery_feature_id                 | uint      |                |
| stationery_colors_quantity_id         | uint      |                |
| stationery_gender_id                  | uint      |                |
| stationery_length_id                  | uint      |                |
| stationery_staple_number_id           | uint      |                |
| stationery_stapler_number_id          | uint      |                |
| stationery_material_id                | uint      |                |
| stationery_punched_sheets_quantity_id | uint      |                |
| stationery_pen_thickness_id           | uint      |                |
| stationery_mounting_type_id           | uint      |                |
| stationery_pen_tip_shape_id           | uint      |                |
| stationery_ink_base_id                | uint      |                |
| stationery_calculator_capacity_id     | uint      |                |
| stationery_calendar_year_id           | uint      |                |
| stationery_calendar_type_id           | uint      |                |
| stationery_calendar_subject_id        | uint      |                |
| stationery_clasp_type_id              | uint      |                |
| stationery_compartments_quantity_id   | uint      |                |
| stationery_cover_binding_id           | uint      |                |
| stationery_package_type_id            | uint      |                |
| stationery_cover_surface_id           | uint      |                |
| stationery_universal_id               | uint      |                |
| stationery_sheets_quantity_id         | uint      |                |
| stationery_color_id                   | uint      |                |
| stationery_volume_id                  | uint      |                |
| game_audience_id                      | uint      |                |
| game_child_age_id                     | uint      |                |
| game_series_id                        | uint      |                |
| game_duration_id                      | uint      |                |
| constructor_nation_id                 | uint      |                |
| constructor_equipment_type_id         | uint      |                |
| souvenir_format_id                    | uint      |                |
| souvenir_set_quantity_id              | uint      |                |
| toy_type_id                           | uint      |                |
| toy_height_id                         | uint      |                |
| age_restriction                       | bigint    |                |
| preorder_available_at                 | timestamp |                |
| released_at                           | timestamp |                |
| is_school_prepare                     | bool      |                |
| is_out_of_class_reading               | bool      |                |
| price_retail                          | float     |                |
| price_discounted_for_guest            | float     |                |
| price_discount_percent_for_guest      | float     |                |
| price_discounted_for_authorized       | float     |                |
| price_discount_percent_for_authorized | float     |                |
| price_discounted_for_subscriber       | float     |                |
| price_discount_percent_for_subscriber | float     |                |
| rating_average                        | float     |                |
| image                                 | string    |                |
| isbns                                 | string    |                |
| printing_page_format                  | string    |                |
| seo_title                             | string    |                |
| excerpts                              | json      |                |
| marketing_status_list                 | mva       |                |
| school_grade_id_list                  | mva       |                |
| school_subject_id_list                | mva       |                |
| school_material_type_id_list          | mva       |                |
| school_exam_id_list                   | mva       |                |
| main_category_id_list                 | mva       |                |
| category_id_list                      | mva       |                |
| tbk_id_list                           | mva       |                |
| ekn_id_list                           | mva       |                |
| author_id_list                        | mva       |                |
| translator_id_list                    | mva       |                |
| illustrator_id_list                   | mva       |                |
| tag_id_list                           | mva       |                |
| product_set_id_list                   | mva       |                |
| stationery_brush_shape_id_list        | mva       |                |
| stationery_brush_material_id_list     | mva       |                |
| stationery_brush_number_id_list       | mva       |                |
| stationery_painting_technique_id_list | mva       |                |
| stationery_lead_hardness_id_list      | mva       |                |
| comic_universal_id_list               | mva       |                |
| comic_character_id_list               | mva       |                |
| comic_genre_id_list                   | mva       |                |
| comic_series_id_list                  | mva       |                |
| comic_type_id_list                    | mva       |                |
| comic_line_id_list                    | mva       |                |
| comic_section_id_list                 | mva       |                |
| comic_subject_id_list                 | mva       |                |
| game_player_quantity_id_list          | mva       |                |
| game_use_case_id_list                 | mva       |                |
| game_skill_id_list                    | mva       |                |
| constructor_detail_quantity_id_list   | mva       |                |
| souvenir_reason_id_list               | mva       |                |
| gift_hobby_id_list                    | mva       |                |
| gift_for_children_id_list             | mva       |                |
| gift_new_year_id_list                 | mva       |                |
| gift_section_id_list                  | mva       |                |
| gift_books_on_interest_id_list        | mva       |                |
| shop_id_list                          | mva       |                |
| city_id_list                          | mva       |                |
| shop_brand_id_list                    | mva       |                |

Объем диска для индекса ~ 3.4G
Количество строк в индексе ~1310000

crash dump:

------- FATAL: CRASH DUMP -------
[Mon May 20 21:46:02.671 2024] [2608850]
--- crashed SphinxQL request dump ---
    1000000000000 * literature_work_publishing_year 
+ released_at as newness
FROM retail_products
WHERE ALL(tbk_id_list) NOT IN 
(32, 30) AND product_id IN (2598032) AND city_id IN (213)
    max_matches = 100
--- request dump end ---
--- local index:@groupby desc
Manticore 6.2.12 dc5144d35@230822 (columnar 2.2.4 5aec342@230822) (secondary 2.2.4 5aec342@230822)
Handling signal 11
-------------- backtrace begins here ---------------
Program compiled with Clang 15.0.7
Built on Linux x86_64 (jammy) (cross-compiled)
Stack bottom = 0x7feffad7bc80, thread stack size = 0x20000
Trying manual backtrace:
Something wrong with thread stack, manual backtrace may be incorrect (fp=0x1)
Wrong stack limit or frame pointer, manual backtrace failed (fp=0x1, stack=0x7feffad80000, stacksize=0x20000)
Trying system backtrace:
begin of system symbols:
Trying boost backtrace:
 0# sphBacktrace(int, bool) in /usr/bin/searchd
 1# CrashLogger::HandleCrash(int) in /usr/bin/searchd
 2# 0x00007FF6D331B520 in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
 3# 0x00007FF6D3487DCD in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
 4# IndexAlterHelper_c::Alter_AddRemoveRowwiseAttr(CSphSchema const&, CSphSchema const&, unsigned int const*, unsigned int, unsigned char const*, WriteWrapper_c&, WriteWrapper_c&, bool, CSphString const&) in /usr/bin/searchd
 5# CSphIndex_VLN::AddRemoveAttribute(bool, AttrAddRemoveCtx_t const&, CSphString&) in /usr/bin/searchd
 6# RtIndex_c::AddRemoveAttribute(bool, AttrAddRemoveCtx_t const&, CSphString&) in /usr/bin/searchd
 7# 0x0000561CB27BB142 in /usr/bin/searchd
 8# ClientSession_c::Execute(std::pair<char const*, int>, RowBuffer_i&) in /usr/bin/searchd
 9# ProcessSqlQueryBuddy(std::pair<char const*, int>, unsigned char&, GenericOutputBuffer_c&) in /usr/bin/searchd
10# SqlServe(std::unique_ptr<AsyncNetBuffer_c, std::default_delete<AsyncNetBuffer_c> >) in /usr/bin/searchd
11# MultiServe(std::unique_ptr<AsyncNetBuffer_c, std::default_delete<AsyncNetBuffer_c> >, std::pair<int, unsigned short>, Proto_e) in /usr/bin/searchd
12# 0x0000561CB26F9AF2 in /usr/bin/searchd
13# Threads::CoRoutine_c::CreateContext(std::function<void ()>, std::pair<boost::context::stack_context, Threads::StackFlavour_E>)::{lambda(boost::context::detail::transfer_t)#1}::__invoke(boost::context::detail::transfer_t) in /usr/bin/searchd
14# make_fcontext in /usr/bin/searchd
-------------- backtrace ends here ---------------
Please, create a bug report in our bug tracker (
and attach there:
a) searchd log, b) searchd binary, c) searchd symbols.
Look into the chapter 'Reporting bugs' in the manual
Dump with GDB via watchdog

ALTERT выполнялся из mysql сессии, соответственно в момент падения, консоль mysql вывела сообщение о том, что соединение с сервером потеряно.
После переподключения по mysql протоколу, попытки взаимодействия с индексом были не успешны.
Получали сообщения о том что индекс products не находится в кластере (что противоречило информации из SHOW STATUS;), обращения напрямую (минуя кластер) так же приводили к ответу, что такого индекса нет. При том его можно было увидеть через SHOW TABLES.
Ручная остановка сервиса manticore с последующим удалением каталога индекса и его пересоздание и ALTER без наполнения данными прошли успешно.

Что привело к падению и как бы такого избежать?

судя по crashlog какая-то ошибка во время обработки ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN . Если после восстановления из backup креш повторяется, то загрузите индекс к нам как описано Uploading your data для воспроизведения креша

Увы, но backup не делали.
В таком случае попробуем в следующий раз.