Are percolate index/queries supported on both real-time and plain indexes?

I noticed features such as replication require real-time indexes.
I am curious on the following:
Are percolate index/queries supported on both real-time and plain indexes?

Is is feasible to continue using indexer with delta and periodically update/ feed plain index main and delta to a real-time index using a batch job, or is that a bad idea(for legacy plain index based system).
An is there any support for using indexer itself with a RT index sort of like logstash and or plain indexes?

Thank you.


  1. Percolate queries (CALL PQ) are supported only on percolate indexes, e.g. create table t(f text) type='percolate'. They are definitely not plain, they are more of real-time by nature, but not exactly real-time.

  2. plain main + RT delta may be a good option and we know some users do it in production.

Logstash support is a work in progress, alpha stage now.
New “indexer” which can sync from mysql to RT is in plans, but not in the nearest ones.