bulk insert error

Hi everyone, I’m having a problem with bulk insert.
Here is my table:

CREATE TABLE test_data
    domain text,
    bidPublishTime bigint,
    randomNum integer,
    oriBidTitle text,
    url text,
    content text,
    randomString json
) charset_table = 'non_cjk,chinese' morphology = 'icu_chinese';

My java code is:

package com.lp.manticoresearch;

import com.manticoresearch.client.ApiClient;
import com.manticoresearch.client.ApiException;
import com.manticoresearch.client.Configuration;
import com.manticoresearch.client.api.IndexApi;
import com.manticoresearch.client.api.SearchApi;
import com.manticoresearch.client.model.*;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class TestMain {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        IndexApi indexApi = new IndexApi(defaultClient);

        String body = "";
        body = "{\"insert\": {\"index\" : \"products\", \"id\" : 1, \"doc\" : {\"title\" : \"Crossbody Bag with Tassel\", \"price\" : 19.85}}}"+"\n"+
                "{\"insert\": {\"index\" : \"products\", \"id\" : 4, \"doc\" : {\"title\" : \"microfiber sheet set\", \"price\" : 19.99}}}"+"\n"+
                "{\"insert\": {\"index\" : \"products\", \"id\" : 5, \"doc\" : {\"title\" : \"CPet Hair Remover Glove\", \"price\" : 7.99}}}"+"\n";

        try {
            BulkResponse response = indexApi.bulk(body);
            System.out.println("Bulk insert response: " + response);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.err.println("Error during bulk insert: " + e.getMessage());

I got MismatchedInputException: Cannot deserialize value of type com.manticoresearch.client.model.BulkResponsefrom Array value (tokenJsonToken.START_ARRAY) when I try to bulk insert data.

Then I tried HTTP request and that didn’t work either:

I don’t know what went wrong, please help me.

manticore version: 6.3.6
java version: jdk 21

it could be better to create ticket at Github there to put reproducible example (query script, index or docker container if it as a Java code that should be compiled first) that we could investigate locally