Can't replace into

My table like this:
| Field | Type | Properties |
| id | bigint | columnar fast_fetch |
| title | text | indexed |
| n | uint | columnar fast_fetch |

insert into test1(title, n) values(‘test’, 1);

when I run replace into sql:replace into test1 set n=2 where id=6055692226070052891;

then show error:
ERROR 1064 (42000): Field title doesn’t have stored property. Replace query can’t be performed

why that ?

I believe I already answered in Telegram, but I’ll leave it here as well in case others encounter the same issue:

The options are:

  1. Make it “stored”
  2. Or do a full replace:
replace into test1 values(6055692226070052891, 'abc', 2)

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

Why are you using REPLACE anyway? Can’t you just use UPDATE?

UPDATE test1 SET n=2 WHERE id=6055692226070052891;

Can update Attributes this way

use REPLACE when want to update Fields.