Can't set rt_mem_limit as a part of searchd config

IT seems that rt_mem_limit is not accepted as an option for searchd config.

Can it be only defined as table option?

[Wed Aug  7 13:08:50.292 2024] [62] using config file '/etc/manticoresearch/manticore.conf' (900 chars)...
[Wed Aug  7 13:08:50.292 2024] [62] FATAL: failed to parse config file '/etc/manticoresearch/manticore.conf': ERROR: unknown key name 'rt_mem_limit' in /etc/manticoresearch/manticore.conf line 27 col 15.

Can it be only defined as table option?


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If you using a config file to define your indexes. Can use a ‘template’ index, so can just define rt_mem_limit once, rather than having to repeat the declaration in each index.

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