Creation of multiple instances on SINGLE SERVER

how to create the multiple instances (manticore) on a SINGLE SERVER .

create another config with different paths to indexes and logs, pid, binlog and daemon ports to prevent clash with other daemon then start daemon as searchd -c another.conf

Would it be possibe to run multiple daemon (i.e multiple config files at a time ) and connect to different port no’s
mysql -P9306 -h0
mysql -P9307 -h0
mysql -P9308 -h0

Yes, just specify proper values in searchd -> listen in the configs.

when executed the command

searchd -c /etc/manticoresearch/manticore2.conf

Manticore 3.3.0 01fc8ad1@200204 release
Copyright (c) 2001-2016, Andrew Aksyonoff
Copyright (c) 2008-2016, Sphinx Technologies Inc (
Copyright (c) 2017-2020, Manticore Software LTD (

using config file ‘/etc/manticoresearch/manitcore2.conf’ (1902 chars)…
WARNING: ‘data_dir’ cannot be mixed with index declarations in ‘/etc/manticoresearch/manitcore2.conf’
Set max_open_files to 1048576 (previous was 1024), hardlimit is 1048576.
FATAL: failed to lock pid file ‘/var/run/manticore1/’: Resource temporarily unavailable (searchd already running?)
shutdown complete

You need to create another config with different paths to indexes and logs, pid, binlog and daemon ports to prevent clash with other
daemon. And from your log seems you use same pid file for all daemons. It might be better to check all these paths are different

Hi @tomat
i created another config file with different path for log ,query_log,pid,data_dir,binlog_path and changed the port number to 9307.

However error message you provided said

FATAL: failed to lock pid file ‘/var/run/manticore1/’: Resource temporarily unavailable (searchd already running?)

ie daemon that just starting trying to lock pid file and failed to do so.
Maybe there is no var/run/manticore1/ path or /var/run/manticore1/ file is locked by 1st daemon.

the path exists… /var/run/manticore1/

FATAL: failed to lock pid file ‘/var/run/manticore1/’: Resource temporarily unavailable (searchd already running?)

how to resolve …?

you need to figure out what process uses that .pid file already

do you mean the process id …?

how do i find it…?