Docker shotdown with Exited (137) high RAM consumption with RT

Hi everyone,

I’m running Manticore in a Docker and when I load more than 700k records the Docker shuts down (Exited (137)) because it consumes 8 Gbs of RAM that I provided… These records are news so the “Cuerpo” field contains texts of 20k characters and the 2 jsons fields contain an array of objects with no more than 3 or 4 properties that store integer values.

My goal is to load 100M records and keep adding day by day, I understand that for this I should use more RAM, but how much should I estimate? Could something in the creation of my table be improved?

The version I’m using I got it from: docker pull manticoresearch/manticore

I’m using RT and I created it in the following way with a C# application:
create table noticias
NoticiaId bigint,
Titulo text engine=‘columnar’,
Cuerpo text indexed engine=‘columnar’,
FechaAlta timestamp,
FechaPublicacion timestamp,
Audiencia int,
TierId int,
TipoMedioId int,
Ave float,
SoporteId int,
DivisionId int,
PaisId int,
Empresas json,
Temas json,
embed_vector float_vector knn_type=‘hnsw’ knn_dims=‘4096’ hnsw_similarity=‘cosine’ engine=‘columnar’
morphology = ‘libstemmer_es’
stopwords = ‘es’
min_word_len = ‘4’
html_strip = ‘1’

doesn’t make sense. A full-text (text) field can’t be columnar.

Empresas json,
Temas json,

may be what consumes most RAM and it can’t be stored in the columnar storage. Try storing the data in scalar attributes or, if it’s not possible, give it more RAM.