FACET by grouped data

Based on movie_table from faceting playground Manticore Faceting
Suppose we want to show search results like best movies by year

select id, movie_title, title_year, imdb_score, GROUP_CONCAT(id) as ids from movies WHERE id < 5 group by title_year WITHIN GROUP ORDER BY imdb_score DESC order by title_year asc FACET title_year ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 3; SHOW META;

The search results are ok, we see 3 results (ids is not needed field, only to show grouping is working)

| id   | movie_title | title_year | imdb_score | ids  |
|    2 | 11:14       |       2003 |   7.200000 | 2    |
|    4 | 9           |       2009 |   7.100000 | 1,4  |
|    3 | 3           |       2010 |   6.800000 | 3    |

, but facets are not - they show 4 records

| title_year | count(*) |
|       2009 |        2 |
|       2003 |        1 |
|       2010 |        1 |

Looks like facets, as soon as it is grouping itself, does not use grouping which is in base query. I would suppose facets to group visible result set from parent query, but it does not. Is there a way to use facet grouping on top of parent query group by?

There’s no such functionality at the moment.