Failed searching with sorting DESC

Hello, i begin starting project which use Manticore on production environment, and found this situation.
First of all i declare settings and next ask question.

In kubernetes I have a manticore running in cluster mode with 1 manticore-balancer and 3 manticore-worker, default settings, meaning only replication without sharding.


mysql> describe orders;
| Agent                     | Type              |
| | remote_1_mirror_1 |
| | remote_1_mirror_2 |
| | remote_1_mirror_3 |


mysql> describe orders;
| Field        | Type      | Properties     |
| id           | bigint    |                |
| _id          | text      | indexed stored |
| search       | text      | indexed stored |
| created_at   | timestamp |                |
| done_at      | timestamp |                |
| org          | string    |                |
| vendor       | string    |                |
| event        | string    |                |
| status       | string    |                |
| tickets_type | string    |                |

Index have 41M docs. Application make first request to get docs just ordered by created_at. I found that is failed. I try to inspect failing situation. I found different behavior between requests into balancer and worker directly. Examples below I make to different kubernetes services.

Request ASC ordering to manticore-worker service of kubernetes
time echo -n '{"_source": ["_id"], "index": "orders", "limit": 20, "offset": 0, "query": {"bool": {"must": []}}, "sort": [{"created_at": "asc"}]}' | http POST http://localhost:19308/search

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 1807
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Server: 6.2.12 dc5144d35@230822 (columnar 2.2.4 5aec342@230822) (secondary 2.2.4 5aec342@230822)

    "hits": {
        "hits": [
        "total": 41857336,
        "total_relation": "eq"
    "timed_out": false,
    "took": 876

real	0m1,137s
user	0m0,215s
sys	0m0,035s

Request DESC ordering to manticore-worker service of kubernetes
time echo -n '{"_source": ["_id"], "index": "orders", "limit": 20, "offset": 0, "query": {"bool": {"must": []}}, "sort": [{"created_at": "desc"}]}' | http POST http://localhost:19308/search

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 1808
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Server: 6.2.12 dc5144d35@230822 (columnar 2.2.4 5aec342@230822) (secondary 2.2.4 5aec342@230822)

    "hits": {
        "hits": [
        "total": 41857388,
        "total_relation": "eq"
    "timed_out": false,
    "took": 2879

real	0m3,147s
user	0m0,240s
sys	0m0,016s

Request ASC ordering to manticore-balancer service of kubernetes
time echo -n '{"_source": ["_id"], "index": "orders", "limit": 20, "offset": 0, "query": {"bool": {"must": []}}, "sort": [{"created_at": "asc"}]}' | http POST http://localhost:19308/search

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 1808
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Server: 6.2.12 dc5144d35@230822 (columnar 2.2.4 5aec342@230822) (secondary 2.2.4 5aec342@230822)

    "hits": {
        "hits": [
        "total": 41857494,
        "total_relation": "eq"
    "timed_out": false,
    "took": 1545

real	0m1,857s
user	0m0,229s
sys	0m0,024s

Request DESC ordering to manticore-balancer service of kubernetes
time echo -n '{"_source": ["_id"], "index": "orders", "limit": 20, "offset": 0, "query": {"bool": {"must": []}}, "sort": [{"created_at": "desc"}]}' | http POST http://localhost:19308/search

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 92
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Server: 6.2.12 dc5144d35@230822 (columnar 2.2.4 5aec342@230822) (secondary 2.2.4 5aec342@230822)

        "error": "index orders: agent query timed out",
        "total": 0,
        "warning": ""

real	0m3,291s
user	0m0,226s
sys	0m0,019s

Logs on balancer pod:

/* Thu Sep 07 12:25:09.416 2023 conn 522156 real 3.003 wall 3.003 found 0 */  /*{"_source": ["_id"], "index": "orders", "limit": 20, "offset": 0, "query": {"bool": {"must": []}}, "sort": [{"created_at": "desc"}]} */ /*error=index orders: agent query timed out */
/* Thu Sep 07 12:25:14.115 2023 conn 522161 real 3.007 wall 3.007 found 0 */  /*{"_source": ["_id"], "index": "orders", "limit": 20, "offset": 0, "query": {"bool": {"must": []}}, "sort": [{"created_at": "desc"}]} */ /*error=index orders: agent query timed out */
/* Thu Sep 07 12:25:19.711 2023 conn 522166 real 3.000 wall 3.000 found 0 */  /*{"_source": ["_id"], "index": "orders", "limit": 20, "offset": 0, "query": {"bool": {"must": []}}, "sort": [{"created_at": "desc"}]} */ /*error=index orders: agent query timed out */

log on worker pod:

/* Thu Sep 07 12:26:53.786 2023 conn 1734186 real 5.308 wall 5.309 found 41858275 */  /*{"bool":{"must":[]}} */
[Thu Sep  7 12:26:53.846 2023] [77] WARNING: send() failed: 32: Broken pipe, sock=101
WARNING: send() failed: 32: Broken pipe, sock=101

Success version of request (sorting is ASC) looks like this:

/* Thu Sep 07 12:30:14.702 2023 conn 1588403 real 0.923 wall 0.924 found 41858467 */  /*{"bool":{"must":[]}} */

I am a new user with Manticore and have no any experience in SphinxSearch, my question are:

  1. Have any idea why request have success when using worker but failed with balancer?
  2. For example i want to speedup my target request, in RDB with SQL it will be looks like SELECT _id FROM orders ORDER BY created_at DESC and creating index in table for created_at field. Does Manticore provide any instruments to do similar?

you need to set agent_query_timeout index option or searchd global option to a larger value as local query log shows query took 5 sec but default value of 3 second is not enouth for master node to wait for result from agents

Thank you, this completely explains that behavior.
When manticore-worker finished query it try to send response, but connection already closed by manticore-balancer and that why in logs we see Broken Pipe.