Getting buddy going on Mint (Ubunto/Debian)

So I have installed 6.3.8 with apt, but need buddy to do partial replace queries. Thus I apt installed manticore-extra. I then stopped and restarted manticore which the docs suggests also starts buddy.

Buddy doesn’t seem to be working, which I test with SHOW VERSION and getting a
P01: syntax error, unexpected identifier, expecting VARIABLES near ‘VERSION’ error amongst other things.

I have tried reinstalling manticore and buddy in one hit. I haven’t tried deleting and re-installing the whole thing as I do not wish to lose my index.

What to try next?


Hi. What’s in the searchd log?

[Tue Dec 10 15:17:40.181 2024] [23123] watchdog: main process 23124 forked ok
[Tue Dec 10 15:17:40.182 2024] [23124] Using local time zone ‘/etc/localtime’
[Tue Dec 10 15:17:40.183 2024] [23124] starting daemon version ‘6.3.8 d17bd2b6b@24112202 (columnar 2.3.0 88a01c3@24052206) (secondary 2.3.0 88a01c3@24052206) (knn 2.3.0 88a01c3@24052206)’ …
[Tue Dec 10 15:17:40.183 2024] [23124] listening on for mysql
[Tue Dec 10 15:17:40.248 2024] [23135] prereading 2 tables
[Tue Dec 10 15:17:40.248 2024] [23124] WARNING: [BUDDY] no SPHINX or HTTP listeners found, disabled
[Tue Dec 10 15:17:40.248 2024] [23135] preread 2 tables in 0.000 sec
[Tue Dec 10 15:17:40.248 2024] [23124] accepting connections

I have also added:
buddy_path = manticore-executor -n /usr/share/manticore/modules/manticore-buddy/src/main.php --debug
to the manticore.conf and checked the path and main.php exist. There was no change in the log file output after a stop and start of the server


You’ve probably removed listen = and from the config.

FIXED! :slight_smile:
Thanks Sergey.