What would be the hardware requirements to run the current version of Manticore on ± 3TB of data using AWS?
We are currently trying Elasticsearch but there are a few features missing which we had in Manticore 3.
So we are curious if there would be a significant price difference between the two.
It’s impossible to answer this without knowing the details. 3TB of full-text is one thing, 3TB of numbers is completely another thing. I usually recommend to just try with a smaller volume and then extrapolate. Manticore also has a columnar storage which can be useful in case a significant portion of the 3TB is attributes to lower RAM consumption.
It’s largely full text with some small fields (dates etc.) added.
We will be using a distributed index with multiple nodes, is it better to have several small instances or a few large ones?
We will be using a distributed index with multiple nodes, is it better to have several small instances or a few large ones?
I would start with fewer larger instances to avoid multiplying dictionary files too much (in a regular FT use case it may be almost identical across your shards).
Thanks, we’ll give it a try.