Help with Filtering values in a Subquery with Manticore

Hi everyone,

I’m currently working with Manticore and facing a challenge with filtering values within a subquery. Here’s the scenario:

I have a table t with the following SELECT statement:

SELECT features FROM t LIMIT 10;

The result looks like this:

  {"type": "w", "name": "height", "values": ["2 cm", "..."]},
  {"type": "2", "name": "length", "values": ["8 cm"]},

Now, I want to filter based on the values. An example attempt that didn’t work is:

SELECT id, ANY(x='w' FOR x IN features.type) AS cond 
WHERE cond=1;

The result is empty.

Does anyone have an idea on how to correctly filter by values? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

mysql> drop table if exists t; create table t(features json); insert into t(features) values('[{"type": "w", "name": "height", "values": ["2 cm", "..."]}, {"type": "2", "name": "length", "values": ["8 cm"]}]'); select id, ANY(x.type='w' FOR x IN features) AS cond from t where cond=1;
drop table if exists t

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)

create table t(features json)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

insert into t(features) values('[{"type": "w", "name": "height", "values": ["2 cm", "..."]}, {"type": "2", "name": "length", "values": ["8 cm"]}]')

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

select id, ANY(x.type='w' FOR x IN features) AS cond from t where cond=1

| id                  | cond |
| 1515939651171385543 |    1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
--- 1 out of 1 results in 0ms ---

thanks for the quick reply :slight_smile:

it works. :slight_smile:

is it also possible to filter by values? for example “2 cm”

I believe not. There’s no syntax for searching inside an array inside another array.

good and thanks for the quick reply. i will probably use a different species then.

Hello @Sergey ,

I have another problem.

I have a table where the valid_to column is greater than NOW(). Still I am not getting any data back.

However, when I run the following query, I get data:

SELECT id,  prices,  ANY((x.valid_to > now()) FOR x IN prices) AS cond  FROM de_de_products where cond = 1;

However, if I set cond = 0 I get data.

mysql> SELECT id,  prices,  ANY((x.valid_to > now()) FOR x IN prices) AS cond  FROM de_de_products where cond = 0;
| id         | prices                                                                                                                                               | cond |
| 3121397628 | [{"price":1,"currency":"EUR","valid_from":-62135596800,"valid_to":4876886074,"price_type":null,"tax":19,"upper_bound":null,"lower_bound":null}]      |    0 |
| 1831296373 | [{"price":101,"currency":"EUR","valid_from":-62135596800,"valid_to":4876886026,"price_type":null,"tax":19,"upper_bound":null,"lower_bound":null}]    |    0 |
| 2649278998 | [{"price":2280,"currency":"EUR","valid_from":-62135596800,"valid_to":4876885184,"price_type":null,"tax":19,"upper_bound":null,"lower_bound":null}]   |    0 |

Do you have any idea what the problem is?

However, when I run the following query, I get data:

What data do you get with cond = 1?

However, if I set cond = 0 I get data.

The result looks correct to me. You want where cond = 0. It returns you the records with cond = 0.

I would like to have all hits that are cond = 1.
but there is no match even if the price range is within the time period i am looking for

ps: valid_from and valid_to are Unix timestamps

Reproduced here any + for x + json can't handle greater than on equal 2^15 · Issue #2439 · manticoresoftware/manticoresearch · GitHub

Thanks for pointing out the bug.

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maybe you should use explicit conversion like

SELECT id,  prices,  ANY((bigint(x.valid_to) > now()) FOR x IN prices) AS cond  FROM de_de_products where cond = 1;

to make sure JSON.field fetched into the right type of the numeric value and does not overflow the int type?

that works. Thanks for the tip!