How to stay on same connection?

My C# HTTPClient queries are very fast between calls to Nginx reverse proxy and getting the search results in the C# client, but only per “conn” group (looking at query.log file). Is there a way to keep everything on the same conn group, or at least persist them longer? Currently, it seems to advance to next conn number after about 60 seconds.

The issue is every time processing advances to the next “conn” number, it takes over 20 seconds for the next query to execute, and then they are extremely fast for the next 60 seconds, until it advances to next “conn” number.

My set up:

C# HTTPClient → Nginx reverse proxy (for username/password) → Manticore server

For “conn” number, I am getting that from Manticore query.log file:

/* Fri Dec 13 22:54:18.417 2024 **conn 1** real 0.001 .....
/* Fri Dec 13 22:54:18.607 2024 **conn 1** real 0.010 ...

*if I send queries from the client before 60 seconds is over, then it continues with "conn 1":

/* Fri Dec 13 22:54:18.900 2024 **conn 1** real 0.001

*but if I wait longer than 60 seconds, it advances to "conn 2", and the first query takes 20 seconds to return results:

/* Fri Dec 13 22:56:46.399 2024 **conn 2** real 0.001 ....  

*I’d like to add that I tried disabling the Nginx proxy temporarily, and I see the same behavior described

*I’d like to add that I tried disabling the Nginx proxy temporarily, and I see the same behavior described

Does this mean that a connection from your C# app to Manticore takes up to 20 seconds each minute? Either way, with or without Nginx, this behavior seems very unusual. Why would a connection to or from any part of the system take 20 seconds? I’d start by investigating this issue to confirm whether it’s actually related to the connection, and if so, determine where exactly it’s getting stuck.

As for the Manticore’s side:

apologies for the delay in replying. there may have been something strange going on with my network, which has since been resolved and the queries are extremely fast now, and also setting sphinxql_timeout to a higher value of 30m has helped a lot too.

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