How to store arrays of string?

Hello Everyone, As a question, I have a field that needs to store data of string array type and I need to do an aggregate query on this field, what data type should I use?

Examples of data are as follows:

    "url": "",
    "oriBidTitle": "关于乒乓球套装商城合同公告",
    "text": "项目名称苏州市星惠学校网上商城项目五合同主体采购人甲方苏州市星惠",
    "bidPublishTime": 1718602450000,
    "domain": "",
    "tags": [

you could crc32 of the every element of that string array then put all values as MVA on data posting. Or use JSON as is then iterate on values on search

Thank you for your reply. But I don’t really understand crc32 and MVA, can you provide some samples?