I’m testing an update from the rather old 3.4.2 searchd to current 6.2.12. On the old version, indextool --check passes cleanly. After a clean stop + copy + start to get a version on 6.2.12, search starts up and handles most queries successfully but occasionally crashes and core dumps.
Running indextool --check from the new version produces many failures like:
FAILED, invalid field id: not in doclist mask (segment=0, word=0, wordid=0(0), rowid=0, field_id=39, field_mask=0)
(The final line of output reports check FAILED, 99 of 17786436 failures reported, 495.2 sec elapsed
There is a single rt index and no clustering configured.
From the breaking changes referenced in the changelog, columnar storage and secondary indices are not in use. Config additions of stored_fields =
and pseudo_sharding = 0
were made.
What does this indextool error indicate? Is it likely related to the crashes?