Low performance when using distributed search

Hey guys,

When I tried using distributed searching among two servers, I found that the searching
speed was very slow. When I search at one server, I can get the result in 1 sec in either
server, but it costs more than 10 sec using distributed searching.
I found the agent server can only have 8 threads at most when searching, however, it can
have more than 10 threads when it runs along.
May I ask why this will happen?

here is the distributed searching index & searchd config code:
index dist_test
type = distributed
agent =

local = xxx

dist_threads = 4
agent_query_timeout = 30000



for distributed search it runs up to dist_threads threads. That is why with settings

dist_threads = 4

searchd issue up to 4 threads for local indexes searching at index dist_test and sends all agent requests and it up to agents how to process these requests

Without master and agents config its hard to figure out the issue