Manticore and Golang rows filtering

Hi there,
I’m trying to use Manticoresearch with the latest Go library from github manticoresearch-go and have some questions. Only full text searching example is available on github. Where can I find example in Golang of using openapi client for filtering rows? Also, several types of APIs may be used for making requests (sql, json, etc.). What is the preferred api type for filtering rows?

Where can I find example in Golang

Some examples are also available in

of using openapi client for filtering rows?

Not sure I understand what you are going to do

What is the preferred api type for filtering rows?

If you use the go client - there are functions that use the JSON API. If you prefer e.g. mysql client / connector you can use SQL.

Thank you for your answer.

I would like to update multiply rows on a condition using JSON API. Similar to SQL request UPDATE my_table SET my_field = 10 WHERE MATCH(...) AND my_field=5;

You can find an example here Manticore Search Manual: Data creation and modification > Updating documents > UPDATE

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Thanks, worked fine for me.