I’m trying to create a table and add it to a cluster in a single HTTP request – this is necessary for our use case because we’re running a HA multi-master setup. In order to add a table to the cluster you need to create it locally and then add it, so if we run those in separate queries they can get sent to different masters which will of course cause it to fail.
The docs state the mode=raw SQL HTTP endpoint supports any valid SQL, including multi-queries, and I can run a simple multi-query (e.g. query=SHOW TABLES&query=SELECT * FROM test
) just fine. However, when running CREATE TABLE…ALTER CLUSTER the table gets created but isn’t actually added to the cluster.
mysql> CREATE CLUSTER test_cluster;
mysql> exit
# curl localhost:9308/sql?mode=raw -d 'query=CREATE TABLE test(name string)&query=ALTER CLUSTER test_cluster ADD test'
# mysql
| Index | Type |
| test | rt |
mysql> ALTER CLUSTER test_cluster DROP test;
ERROR 1064 (42000): table 'test' is not in cluster 'test_cluster'
Does anyone know if there’s a way to get this to work, or a reason why it can’t?
We’re running Manticore 6.0.4 - Manticore 6.0.4 1a3a4ea82@230314 (columnar 2.0.4 5a49bd7@230306) (secondary 2.0.4 5a49bd7@230306)