Hi guys,
Hope you are all doing well !
I found an interesting project called NBoost. It is a scalable, search-api-boosting platform for deploying transformer models to improve the relevance of search results on different platforms (i.e. Elasticsearch).
And another, HackerBert, a showcase of combining Elasticsearch with BERT on the HackerNews public data.
So my question/request is if manticoresearch has planned to integrate some neural search plugins in the roadmap as it is for sure the future of data retrieval. They all use BERT models.
If yes, it can be huge and awesome
Thanks in advance for your inputs and insights on these questions that can be turned as a request feature also.
Ps. Interesting article about neural search motivations, I Left Tencent AI and Raised $2M to Build the Next Neural Search Company in Open Source · Han Xiao Tech Blog - Neural Search & AI Engineering
Luc Michalski