i have a strange problem. when searching with manticore search i get a hit in a field where is no such word which makes problem with my custom ranking.
create table test1 (id bigint, titel text, autor text) min_prefix_len='1' min_infix_len='2' index_exact_words='1' morphology='lemmatize_de_all' morphology_skip_fields='autor' min_stemming_len='4' expand_keywords='exact';
replace into test1 (titel,autor) values ('Selbstbestimmt Sterben fragezeichen Ein theologisches Gespräch mit dem Roman \"Ein ganzes halbes Jahr\" von Jojo Moyes','Maren Klingelhöfer');
SELECT id,* ,packedfactors() as dbg1 FROM test1 where match ('@@relaxed (@(titel,autor) sterben moyes jojo ) ') option ranker=expr('1') ; show meta;
| id | titel | autor | dbg1 |
| 290380135511621636 | Selbstbestimmt Sterben fragezeichen Ein theologisches Gespräch mit dem Roman "Ein ganzes halbes Jahr" von Jojo Moyes | Maren Klingelhöfer | bm25=500, bm25a=0.500000, field_mask=3, doc_word_count=3, field0=(lcs=1, hit_count=3, word_count=3, tf_idf=0.000000, min_idf=0.000000, max_idf=0.000000, sum_idf=0.000000, min_hit_pos=2, min_best_span_pos=2, exact_hit=0, max_window_hits=1, min_gaps=12, exact_order=0, lccs=1, wlccs=0.000000, atc=0.000000), field1=(lcs=1, hit_count=1, word_count=1, tf_idf=0.000000, min_idf=0.000000, max_idf=0.000000, sum_idf=0.000000, min_hit_pos=1, min_best_span_pos=1, exact_hit=0, max_window_hits=1, min_gaps=0, exact_order=0, lccs=1, wlccs=0.000000, atc=0.000000), word0=(tf=1, idf=0.000000), word1=(tf=2, idf=0.000000), word2=(tf=1, idf=0.000000) |
| Variable_name | Value |
| total | 1 |
| total_found | 1 |
| total_relation | eq |
| time | 0.000 |
| keyword[0] | =jojo |
| docs[0] | 1 |
| hits[0] | 1 |
| keyword[1] | =moyes |
| docs[1] | 1 |
| hits[1] | 2 |
| keyword[2] | =sterben |
| docs[2] | 1 |
| hits[2] | 1 |
| keyword[3] | jojo |
| docs[3] | 1 |
| hits[3] | 1 |
| keyword[4] | moyes |
| docs[4] | 1 |
| hits[4] | 1 |
| keyword[5] | sterben |
| docs[5] | 1 |
| hits[5] | 1 |
so it finds in field 1 (autor) also the word “=moyes” - but the field contains not this word.
why ?
maybe its because of the morphing - but the create table statement says it should ignore the autor column for morphing. and “moyes” is far away from “maren”
Server version: 6.0.4 1a3a4ea82@230314 (columnar 2.0.4 5a49bd7@230306) (secondary 2.0.4 5a49bd7@230306) git branch HEAD (no branch)
am i missing something?
Stefan Gutschireiter