Some queries always return all documents and NULL for profile

Something strange is happening to us.
When we do a full-text search with certain 4-letter words, the engine returns a “total”: with the total number of documents in the index and these documents in the hits.
But the profile returns it to us with null.
Highlight fields also come without marking the words found.
It’s as if it doesn’t really search and just returns the entire index.

The index definition:

index es 
    type   = plain
    source = productos_es
    source = arboles_es
    source = posts_es
    path = /var/manticore_indexes/es
    morphology = libstemmer_es
    morphology_skip_fields = nombre
    stopwords = /usr/share/manticore/stopwords/es
    index_exact_words = 1 
    min_word_len = 3 
    charset_table = non_cjk
    min_prefix_len = 3 
    min_infix_len = 3 
    set min_prefix_len to 0 
    html_strip = 1 
    blend_chars = -
    min_stemming_len = 3

Can you show the queries and their outputs?


    "index": "es",
    "profile": true,
    "query": {
        "match": {
            "*": {
                "query": "algo"
    "highlight": {
        "before_match": "<b>",
        "after_match": "</b>"
    "limit": 50,
    "offset": 0

Output (I have hidden the data):

    "took": 1,
    "timed_out": false,
    "hits": {
        "total": 2897,
        "total_relation": "eq",
        "hits": [
                "_id": "27864159972220669",
                "_score": 1,
                "_source": {
                    "idioma": "ES",
                    "orden": 1,
                    "tipo_resultado": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                    "documento": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                    "tipo_documento": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                    "categoria_documento": "",
                    "identificador": 1,
                    "slug": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                    "path": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                    "identificador_familia": xx,
                    "publico": true,
                    "nombre": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                    "data1": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                    "data2": "",
                    "data3": "",
                    "data4": "",
                    "data5": "",
                    "data6": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
                "highlight": {
                    "nombre": [
                    "data1": [
                    "data2": [],
                    "data3": [],
                    "data4": [],
                    "data5": [],
                    "data6": [
        .....49 hits more.....
    "profile": null

2897 is the total number of documents in the index. The query outputs all of them.

I can’t reproduce it. Please create an issue on GitHub with a fully reproducible example.